Expenses For Tree Planting

Payment Detail

*Example: If you want to donate, Please select 1 to pay 1000 rupees / Select 2 to pay 2000 rupees / Select 3 to pay 3000 rupees, etc...

Throughout our life span we spend Lakhs of Rupees for so many reasons But do you know that spending a very small amounts ₹1000/- can change our atmosphere Yes;

  • The one time amount of ₹1000/-
  • Can buy 1000 seeds
  • Can produce 200 Saplings
  • Can buy 20 Grown Plants (or) Can buy 5 Grown Trees (1 year old)
  • This amount can also provide for Grow Covers, Red Soil, cocopit, Organic Manure, Maintanence, Irrigation and Man Power

This contribution will inprove not only your life, but also the condition of our environement. Please join hands with TRUST 1-2-1 to create Safe, Green, Enviroment.

With the amount of ₹1000/- you are going to pay for TRUST 1-2-1 with maintain the trees planted for the 3 years. TRUST 1-2-1 will water the trees regularly and protect them with care.

A lot of College students and Schools already into this noble deed.